Hydraulics and Hydrology with OpenFlows

Make your customers happy - be happy

Deliver high-quality water, wastewater, and stormwater projects

With Bentley’s water distribution modeling software, you can

  • plan intelligently and deliver clean water safely,
  • model water system operations accurately, and
  • make renewal decisions reliably.
  • Confidently create master plans,
  • support land development projects, and
  • optimize the operations of water distribution, wastewater, and stormwater systems.
Plan, design, and operate

Intelligent Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater Infrastructure



Generate intelligent master plans and make reliable renewal decisions.



Model accurately and deliver high-quality designs with minimal capital investments.



Improve performance monitoring, emergency response, and resilience of utility infrastructure.

Which OpenFlows is Yours?

Water Software

OpenFlows WaterGEMS - VIRTUOS4U GmbH
Water Distribution Analysis and Design

OpenFlows WaterGEMS

Comprehensive decision-support software for you to design, plan, and operate your water distribution systems.

OpenFlows WaterCAD - VIRTUOS4U GmbH
Water Distribution Modeling and Analysis

OpenFlows WaterCAD

Easy-to-use hydraulic modeling application for the analysis, design, and operation of your water distribution systems.

OpenFlows Hammer - VIRTUOS4U GmbH
Water Hammer and Transient Analysis

OpenFlows HAMMER

Water hammer and analysis software to efficiently help you identify, manage, and mitigate the risks associated with transients in water or sewer systems.

Which OpenFlows is Yours?

Waste Water and Storm Water Software

OpenFlows SewerGEMS - VIRTUOS4U GmbH
Urban Sanitary and Combined Sewer Modeling

OpenFlows SewerGEMS

Comprehensive engineering software for you to analyze, design, and operate sanitary and combined conveyance sewer systems.

OpenFlows SewerCAD - VIRTUOS4U GmbH
Sanitary Sewers Design and Analysis

OpenFlows SewerCAD

Efficient sanitary sewer modeling and design software used to design, analyze, and plan wastewater collection systems.

OpenFlows CivilStorm- VIRTUOS4U GmbH
Stormwater Modeling and Analysis

OpenFlows CivilStorm

Comprehensive stormwater modeling and analysis software to analyze, design, and operate your stormwater systems.

OpenFlows StormCAD - VIRTUOS4U GmbH
Storm Sewer Analysis and Design

OpenFlows StormCAD

Storm sewer analysis and design software for you to effectively deliver high quality design with minimized capital investments.

OpenFlows PondBack - VIRTUOS4U GmbH
Detention Pond Analysis and Design

OpenFlows PondPack

Pond analysis and design software to effectively analyze and design detention and retention facilities, outlets, and channels.

OpenFlows Flood - VIRTUOS4U GmbH
Integrated Flood Modeling

OpenFlows FLOOD

Flood modeling software for flood risk assessment and efficient design of flood risk mitigation measures.

Which OpenFlows is Yours?

Hydraulic Tools

OpenFlows FlowMaster - VIRTUOS4U GmbH
Hydraulic Calculator

OpenFlows FlowMaster

Productive hydraulic toolbox to design and analyze a wide variety of hydraulic elements.

OpenFlows CulvertMaster - VIRTUOS4U GmbH
Culvert Hydraulic Analysis and Design

OpenFlows CulvertMaster

Intuitive calculator that provides a stress-free culvert solution for site design or land development projects.

Vanessa Finamore Miranda, Environmental and Sanitary Engineer, Enorsul

WaterGEMS and WaterCAD helped us evaluate the improvement proposals for the Olinda supply system, which will benefit over 250,000 inhabitants, workers, and visitors in the region. This is just one example of how valuable this capability can be for basic sanitation companies, as it helps to improve human living conditions. Bentley is a key contributor to this process."

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The 'OPEN' modeling environment

OPEN for collaborative digital workflows

Share digital components through the Connected Data Environment (CDE). Connect  automated and iterative digital workflows across disciplines for design integration. 
The OPEN-products are based on the highly performant MicroStation technology. 


Open to collaboration over multiple disciplines


Open to analysis and simulation


Open to multidiscipline clash resolution and production of deliverables

This is the OPEN product family:

Virtuos4u - virtuoso subscribtion

Best offer 4U - Subscription Licensing

Annual subscriptions

👍  Low entry costs

👍  Flexible interception of short-term peaks or downs in work volume 

👍  Planning reliability of software costs

👍  Always up-to-date software without update costs / SWART fees

Expert Services at your convenience

What is a Virtuoso Subscribtion?

We’ve bundled a 12-month license for trusted Bentley software with customizable training from experts and call it our Virtuoso Subscription. With lower upfront costs and flexible support options, businesses of all sizes can now compete with the industry’s heavy hitters.

Software subscriptions are paired with Keys (much like tokens) that can be redeemed for the expert services and training you need to take your project to the next level.

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